Estate planning - the process of planning goals for one's property post-death and preparing the steps necessary to accomplish those goals.
What would happen to your children if you were not longer around?
Do you have a plan in place in case you become disabled?
Will your hard-earned assets pass to your loved ones when life's journey comes to an end?
The benefit to creating a well thought out plan:
Creating an easy step by step process to help family and loved ones through the complexities. The loss of a loved one is difficult enough. You do not want to leave behind a headache for the ones you care about.
Important information should be easy to access and done correctly so there are no surprises and issues.
Insurance policies
Living trusts
Retirement accounts
Bank accounts
Mutual fund accounts
Money Market accounts
Location of important personal property (safety deposit boxes, multiple bank accounts, multiple real estate locations, ownership in companies)
Other important documents such as photos, heirlooms, and irreplaceable items
Disorganization can lead to both tangible and intangible losses. Both can be avoided through proper planning.
Potential Tangible Losses:
Unclaimed stocks
Unclaimed bonds
Unclaimed bank accounts
Unclaimed insurance policy benefits
Unrealized tax benefits
Unrealized real estate
Potential Intangible Losses:
Damaged relationships created by personal issues with plan
Uninformed loved ones
Loss of family history/heir looms
Incorrect post death proceedings
3 Golf Avenue, Clarendon Hills, Illinois 60514
332 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1000,
Chicago, IL 60604-4398 (by appointment)
PHONE: (630) 920 - 0300
FAX: (630) 920 - 8390
EMAIL: inquiry@alongilawoffice.com
We are a full-service estate planning law office, working to provide peace of mind to our clients and their families. We are committed to help each client create a plan to avoid all unnecessary losses, using legal tools that suit the individual needs, goals, and situation of the client.
We provide assistance with:
Living Wills
Living Trusts
Powers of Attorney
Life Insurance Trusts
Premarital/Postnuptual Agreements
Estate Disputes
Estate Administration
Each estate is different and requires individualized attention. Our staff has the experience and tools to help clients plan goals for one's property post-death and prepare the steps necessary to accomplish those goals.
We are able to offer clients an all in one Estate Planning/Estate Administration service through the support of office resources:
Estate/Trust Accounting
Tax Return Preparation
Executor of Estate Services - (American Estate Clearance)